
How do I use these Cheats?
After You Have downloaded the file, extract the .zip file.
Run the Cheat Engine, and choose the amount of items you want to receive, under the Choose Items tab.

Once the desired items are chosen move along to the Activate tab

 Here you must fill out the desired Facebook account you want to Hack.
AntiBan Protection
Use Proxy- Facebook wont be able to trace where the cheat came from.

Encrypt Cheat - Cheat will be encrypted, therefore Facebook wont detect there even is a cheat.
These are highly recommended as these to option turn will make it nearly impossible to detect.
Choose Browser- Choose the Browser you will be using, we currently support: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera. Opera is not recommended as its still highly buggy, so stick to Chrome, or Firefox.
 Once you have filled everything in and set your AntiBan Protection options click Activate.
Let the Cheat engine do it's thing this generally take from 20sec to a minute, depending on you computer speed and your selected options.

Once you receive this screen, go ahead and open your selected Browser.

NOTE: Depending on your internet speed your new stats could take up to 12 hours to sync in, although it is      typically instant.